A hodgepodge of thoughts about the whole trip – mostly a collection of answers to questions I got from a lot of people about the trip and other random thoughts that didn’t fit anywhere else. Let me know if you have other questions in the comments. :)
Would I do it again?
If you asked me if I would do another bike trip like this again I would say “yes, but not alone”. That sums up how I feel about the last month. It was fun. It was a challenge. I’m very glad I did it, too. Part of the ‘adventure’ was in doing this alone – it gave me the freedom to go at my own pace, make my own decisions about where to stay, which risks to take, etc. But it’s the sort of experience that greatly benefits from company. The times that were the least enjoyable were those where I was at my loneliest.
Some random stats
- 1699.2 miles traveled over 28 days
- 195 hours 09 minutes spent riding
- 67,410 feet climbed
- 20-25 lbs of weight lost off my body
- 3 days were spent off of the bike as rest days
- 7 consecutive days on the bike (max)
- 70.75 miles/day not including the days off
- 8.72 mph averaged across all days
- 12 nights spent with warm shower hosts
- 9 nights at hotels
- 5 nights camping
- 1 night with family
- 0 nights without WiFi – this country is wired!
- 2 nights without the ability to make a cell phone call (AT&T, you are surprisingly awesome)
- 2 nights without data coverage on the cell phone
- 0 bike related injuries
- 0 flat tires
- 0 pain killers
My gear and bike were awesome.
I am very pleased with how I packed for this trip (my full packing list can be found here). There are only a couple of ‘stuff’ related things I would have changed – mostly what I would have left behind. But I definitely had everything that I needed and wanted to make the trip comfortable. I really had zero problems when it came to stuff.
My bike now has a name.
Trusty Steed Elliot – t. s. elliot. Elliot or TSE for short. I got tired of my bike not having a name. It just felt wrong.
Amazingly – no flat tires!
I did not have a single flat tire on the trip. Not. One. No patches. No tubes. I didn’t even put air in my tires for the 1,700 mile journey! (That may have been a mistake – I was down to 60psi at the end whereas I like to roll at about 90psi.) How, you ask? Two things –
…and lots of time avoiding sharp objects on the road. But those tires are amazing – I rolled over thorns, glass, truck-tire wires, and even a bag of nails at one point. Yes, I was lucky. But those tires are worth their weight in gold.
Ooops, I broke something.
The only repairs I had to do on the road were to clothing – I had to sew up a tear on my bike shorts and a seam came loose on my bike jersey.
That green part should be attached to my bike. :-/
At the end of the trip, however I discovered that I had busted one of the braze-ons that attaches my rear rack to the frame. It was bound to happen eventually. I’m good about checking those bolts because I’ve expected them to fail since I bought the bike, but I never expected the braze-on to bust off before I snapped or bent that bolt! Good thing steel can be welded!
What I should have been left behind?
I would have left the Kindle, hand warmers, and shoulder straps for the bags behind. I barely used the Kindle given that I had the Surface and the smart phone with me. I never used the hand warmers or shoulder straps.
Stuff that I just didn’t use.
I also brought knee warmers and arm warmers that will be left behind next time. I usually wear the heck out of those, but I found that just long sleeve shirts work better for me than the arm warmers. And I prefer wearing running tights that cover my butt/thighs as well as my lower legs more than the half-length knee warmers.
Also, I consistently carried too much food with me. I should not have purchased two boxes of oatmeal at a time, for example. One would have been fine. Because of that I always had about 3-5 extra pounds on the bike that I could have spared.
Oh – and I carried too much fuel for my stove. I would have used it if I had camped more, or if nice people didn’t invite me out to dinner so often. J
Was the solar charger worth bringing?
I did actually use the solar charger, but not as much as I thought I would. It was the most useful on the days where I camped without power and needed to charge batteries for the GPS or the phone. If I would have camped more it would have been indispensable for my lifestyle.
The Microsoft Surface and the Nokia Lumia 920 were awesome.
I am so, so very glad I brought them both! Every picture on this trip was taken with my Lumia and they turned out great. The Surface was really nice to use to blog.
The USB port on it meant that I could get the pictures off my phone and also upload the GPS tracks from my Garmin Oregon. You just can’t do that with an Android or iPad tablet. Every blog post was composed offline in Microsoft Word 2013 and published directly from Word to my WordPress site which made it easy to blog while not online or over a crappy internet connection. Also, internet tethering the phone to the tablet made it such that I didn’t have a night without internet. The only thing that I didn’t like was that I’m a slower typist on the Surface TouchCover keyboard than normal… it can be maddening when the keyboard misses every 10th or so key press.
What would I change for next time?
Besides the things mentioned above, I would budget more time to stay in some of the cooler places. There were places I would have loved to spend extra time, but because of the way I broke up the trip it didn’t make sense to spend extra time in those places. Places like Silver Springs, NM, Marathon, TX or Comfort, TX are on my list of places to return to some day and really enjoy instead of breezing through.
I would take more rest days, and not do as much mileage as I did over the last week of the trip. I really did push it too far.
I would also try to plan in a way to camp more to save money. I spent a lot more money on hotels and eating out than I intended to.
What did I do in Austin?
Austin was great! I mostly recovered by sleeping a lot and eating BBQ every single day. I did a little bit of touristy stuff, like visit the state capitol, but mostly I just relaxed. Austin is a great bike city – I almost think it’s better than Seattle in that regard. Bikes and bikers are just everywhere. It was really easy to go out at night on bikes – I loved that! I really enjoyed the time Todd and I got to spend together – my liver, however, is now in serious need of a vacation.
Franklin BBQ
This is Franklin. He makes the best BBQ on the planet.
Amazingly good. Worth the 2-3 hour wait.
Cheesy tourist picture.
Love the summary! Congrats on a great trip!