There’s been all kinds of fun craziness (some of it even work-related) since I’ve been here in LA. PDC was all about Windows Azure and Windows 7, which is really cool. I can finally start talking publicly about the work my team has been doing, in particular the work done by my team on Windows Troubleshooting which will make more sense to the average person than the stuff I work on directly. It’s really cool stuff. All of it.
The talk itself went well, despite being nervous as hell. But I think that all the hard work paid off. I get to reprise a longer version of my part later this week at WinHEC, so we’ll see how well that goes. The talk went well enough that I’m even willing to post a link to it: http://channel9.msdn.com/pdc2008/PC50/
PDC itself was a blast. It was great to meet people that care about the work we do on Windows, who get really geeked out by it, and want to see it keep getting better and better. That was exceptionally rewarding. There was an Ask-The-Experts event where all of us speakers got to mingle with attendees and help them with their questions, which was a lot of fun. After which I headed over to the Edison (awesome bar!) for a free-flowing open bar and an evening of mildly geeky conversation which made for one of my best nights here. It was this VIP event that I got wind of via the wonderful world of twitter/#PDC2008. Thank you, twitterati for making PDC much more interactive than any conf I’ve ever been at.
One of the highlights of PDC was going to Universal Studios: the park was rented out for PDC on Tuesday night. Free alcohol for all. No lines to wait in. And pigs with chainsaws.
Yes, chainsaws. I love love love Halloween, and Universal did a great job of turning the park into a halloween heavan. They had a complete cast of extra actors running around scaring the crap out of people. And the haunted houses were A-May-Zing. I jumped like a teenage girl more than I care to admit. It made me want to be back in highschool working in haunted houses again!
And tomorrow kicks off WinHEC… it’s almost more geeky fun than this man can handle!
Ths instrumentation sample(allcaps) you showed at PDC, is it available some where, looking for some sample to work on?
I tried ETWProvider sample from SDK, I am able to build and ran, but in powershell PS X:\>get-event -listprovider *ETW*
returns :
Get-Event : A parameter cannot be found that mataches parameter name ‘listprovider’.
Any help?
Hey Charles,
I think the problem that you may be encountering is that the PowerShell introduced a new cmdlet which takes the name “Get-Event”. We renamed ours to “Get-WinEvent”.
So, to make use of the new Event Log cmdlet that we demo’d at PDC, just use the name “Get-WinEvent”.
The applies to the new PowerShell CTP3 that was recently made available here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=131969