Creating Bootable Vista / Windows 7 USB Flash Drive

EDIT 2009/12/11: Microsoft Provides a tool to do this for you – Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool. See the Microsoft Store Help on the ISO-Tool (

It surprised me to find that there are very few dead-simple guides to creating a bootable USB thumb/pen/flash drive for a Vista and/or Windows 7 installation.  I cobbled together the following from VistaPCGuy and another source I don’t remember right now.

This will walk through the steps to create a bootable USB flash drive for the purpose of installing a Vista or Windows 7 OS.  These instructions assume that you have a computer with Windows Vista installed on it.

Continue reading Creating Bootable Vista / Windows 7 USB Flash Drive

Dell XPS M1330: unboxing


Christmas came early this year in the form of a brand new Dell M1330 XPS laptop. Being a staunch IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad devotee, switching to a Dell is a big jump for me.  So far I’ve been nothing but impressed.  The build quality is superb, it runs Vista like a champ, and the battery life has been good despite having the smaller of the two battery options.  Most surprising is the minimal amount of bundled crapware installed when it came out of the box.

Continue reading Dell XPS M1330: unboxing