Well, I think the fortune cookie was wrong, because every day this weekend was fantastic for it’s own reason.
Friday was great because I got to help make a fantastic homemade Italian meal at DD’s house and watch the Godfather in its entirety for the first time. I know how to make Ravioli from scratch! I still need to acquire DD’s grandmother’s pasta recipe, and the required tools to roll pasta, etc. etc. The food was amazing (ravioli, cannoli, wine, wine, and… more wine). As for the Godfather Part I, even though I think I had seen most of it before, it was great to see it in its entirety. The problem is that Brando was the best part of it for me, so I’m not as excited to see Part II & III. However, I will be excited to enjoy more homemade Italian…
Saturday was great because I got to spend the morning/afternoon doing things for myself and then a rock’n good time with Mister Miyagi. Honestly, I wasn’t expecting much from the band. I mean, how can one band cover the entire 80’s? Well, apparently one can! It was one of those nights where you got to hang out with some of the best people you know while dancing your ever loving ass off. And nothing makes me happier than shake’n tail. It’s been a long while since I had that much fun out, mostly because the people I was with were crazy fun dancers.
And today… well, it was great. I got to catch up with friends/family on the phone and spend the afternoon out in Ballard with Andy. We hit up the farmer’s market and grabbed a cup of coffee. Nothing really out of the ordinary or special, but that’s kinda what made it great.
And now back to work… and there’s less than two weeks until I leave for Prague! Yikes!